Understanding our rates, charges, and fees

Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries are committed to providing high-quality service to you through operations that are safe, responsible, and sustainable. Each operating subsidiary is responsible for managing its own operations and billing its customers. And, while there are several variables that impact base service rates, charges and fees among our operating subsidiaries, this page provides disclosures and additional information to you regarding some of the most common charges and fees you may see in your contract and/or on your invoice. Some charges and fees may vary by subsidiary and type of service, and some may span across all subsidiaries. These charges and fees help each operating subsidiary recover its direct and indirect costs of operation and to achieve an acceptable profit margin. Please refer to the information below to help you understand the charges and fees you may see on your invoice. If you are a residential customer without a signed customer service agreement, please see Service Terms for Residential Customers for the terms and conditions and other important information specific to your services.

  • Environmental Recovery Fee ("ERF")

The ERF is a recurring fee that is added to all invoice charges (except taxes) for non-hazardous waste and recycling services. It is not a tax, surcharge, or fee mandated by or remitted to any governmental or regulatory agency. The ERF is intended to help Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries recover both direct and indirect costs associated with the operation of non-hazardous collection, transfer, landfill, recycling and landfill gas-to-energy services and facilities nationwide in an environmentally sustainable manner, and it includes an amount designed to achieve an acceptable operating margin. The current standard ERF rate for hauling services is 18% and is charged on both hauling and disposal services performed by the same operating subsidiary. The current standard rate charged by post-collection subsidiaries is $19.71 per load. These rates may vary is some locations. Republic Services monitors the costs that comprise the ERF and reserves the right to adjust the ERF at its discretion upon advanced notice, which notice may be in the form of an invoice message. The ERF may be combined with the FRF on your invoice.

  • Environmental, Energy & Compliance Fee (“EEC”)

The EEC is a recurring fee that is a fluctuating percentage of all invoice charges (except taxes and regulatory fees) for Environmental Solution services. It is not a tax, surcharge, or fee mandated by or remitted to any governmental or regulatory agency. The EEC is a consolidated fee based on some direct and indirect costs of environmental operations that are necessary to maintain safety, compliance, and sustainability (including, but not limited to, permits, licenses, safety equipment, insurance, security, fuel/energy, and utilities). Some of these costs are uncontrollable and all fluctuate. The EEC may result in the recovery of all or more than these operational costs, and it includes an amount designed to achieve an acceptable operating margin. Each monthly EEC percentage rate is determined by cross-referencing Republic Services’ EEC Table with the peak weekly diesel price per gallon published in the 30-day period ending on the 15th of each month by the U.S. Department of Energy Information Administration "On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices" index for the entire United States. Republic Services monitors the costs that comprise the EEC and reserves the right to change its method of determining the EEC at its discretion upon advanced notice, which notice may be in the form of an invoice message.

  • Fuel Recovery Fee ("FRF")

The FRF is a recurring fee that is a fluctuating percentage of all invoice charges (except for ERF and taxes) for non-hazardous waste and recycling services. It is not a tax, surcharge, or fee mandated by or remitted to any governmental or regulatory agency. The FRF is intended to help Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries recover both direct and indirect fuel, petrochemical, electric, and compressed natural gas costs associated with the operation of its collection, transfer, landfill, and recycling services and facilities nationwide, and it includes an amount designed to achieve an acceptable operating margin. Each monthly FRF percentage rate is determined by cross-referencing either Republic Services’ Hauling FRF Table or the Post Collections FRF Table, as applicable,  with the peak weekly diesel price per gallon published in the 30-day period ending on the 15th of the month by the U.S. Department of Energy Information Administration "On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices" index for the entire United States. Customers using a Republic Services’ operating subsidiary for both hauling and disposal should refer to the Hauling FRF Table and customers using only disposal services should refer to the Post-Collection FRF Table. Republic Services monitors the costs that comprise the FRF and reserves the right to change its method of determining the FRF at its discretion upon advanced notice, which notice may be in the form of an invoice message. The FRF may be combined with the ERF on your invoice.

  • Administrative Fee ("ADMIN")

The ADMIN fee is charged on each invoice. It is not a tax, surcharge, or fee mandated by or remitted to any governmental or regulatory agency. The ADMIN is intended to help Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries recover costs associated with the administrative processes related to account maintenance, invoicing, and payment processing for all customers, and it includes an amount designed to achieve an acceptable operating margin. The ADMIN is currently $5.95 per invoice but is subject to change at Republic Services’ discretion upon advanced notice, which notice may be in the form of an invoice message.

  • Rate Increases

Throughout the course of providing your service, Republic Services may increase your rates for service. Rate increases are necessitated over time to keep up with increasing costs of operations and to ensure Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries are maintaining an acceptable operating margin and/or an acceptable rate of return on their investment in the services provided. Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries reserve the right to determine in their sole discretion the amount of all rate increases. If your service is subject to a written contract (or other written agreement applicable to your service), your rate increase will comply with the limitations set forth in your contract, if any. You will receive advance notice of any rate increases, which notice may be in the form of an invoice message and/or change on your invoice (if billed in advance).

  • Recycling Processing Charge ("RPC")

The RPC is a recurring charge imposed on customers receiving recycling services. It is not a tax, surcharge, or fee mandated by or remitted to any governmental or regulatory agency. The RPC is intended to help Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries recover both direct and indirect costs associated with the processing of materials received at its recycling facilities nationwide and necessitated by high levels of contamination, strict specifications by purchasers of commodities, and highly fluctuating commodity values. Each monthly RPC amount is determined by cross-referencing Republic Services’ RPC Table with the lowest US average price per ton for Old Corrugate Containers – Pulp & Paper Index (“OCC-PPI”) as published during the previous month by Fastmarkets RISI PPI Pulp & Paper Week. For your convenience, Republic Services will post the price per ton for OCC-PPI used each calendar month to determine the RPC here. Republic Services monitors the costs that comprise the RPC and reserves the right to change its method of determining the RPC at its discretion upon advance notice, which notice may be in the form of an invoice message.

  • Container Delivery and Removal Fees

Republic Services’ operating subsidiaries provide containers (in some cases for a rental charge) for your convenience with respect to the collection and on-site storage of your solid waste and recyclable materials while it is providing your service. In some cases, the containers are specifically designed to function with Republic Services’ vehicles and associated equipment. Container delivery and removal fees are intended to offset the operational costs of sending a truck to deliver your container(s) at the start of your service and removing your container(s) when your service terminates, as well as costs related to cleaning, repairs, and refurbishment of the containers following your use. Container delivery and removal fees are set by each operating subsidiary and are subject to change at that operating subsidiary’s discretion. If your service is not subject to a written contract, you will be charged the operating subsidiary’s prevailing rate for container delivery or removal at the time your container is delivered or removed.

  • Overage Fee

An Overage fee is incurred when waste exceeds your container’s intended capacity. Intended capacity is the amount of waste that will fit within the container and allow the lid to shut completely. Overage may be measured visually by the driver or electronically by cameras and/or other technology. Photos of Overage may be provided by Customer Service upon request but may not be available in all locations. Overage fees vary based on geography and container size and will be charged at the operating subsidiary’s prevailing rate at the time the Overage event occurs.

  • Contaminated Materials Fee

A Contaminated Materials fee is incurred when non-conforming material is placed in a container that is designated for a specific waste type. For example, when non-recyclable solid waste is placed in a recycling container. The fee is intended to compensate Republic Services for the additional costs incurred in separating, transporting, and properly disposing of the non-conforming material. Photos of the Contaminated Materials may be provided by Customer Services upon request but may not be available in all locations. Contaminated Materials fees vary based on geography and container size and will be charged at the operating subsidiary’s prevailing rate at the time the Contaminated Materials event occurs.

  • Service Interruption Charge

If you fail to pay your invoice on or before its due date, the operating subsidiary providing your service reserves the right to suspend your service until you pay all outstanding invoices. You may also be charged and be required to pay a service interruption fee. Service interruption fees are intended to mitigate some of the operating subsidiary’s loss of return on the container assets in your possession and for the interruption in its business and costs associated with stopping and restarting service. Service interruption charges are set by each operating subsidiary, up to any amount allowed under applicable law, and are subject to change at that operating subsidiary’s discretion.

  • Late Payment Fee

If you fail to pay your invoice on or before its due date, the operating subsidiary providing your service reserves the right to charge you a late payment fee. Late payment fees are intended to help the operating subsidiary recover its costs incurred in managing customers’ unpaid accounts. Late payment fees are set by each operating subsidiary, up to any amount allowed under applicable law, and are subject to change at that operating subsidiary’s discretion.

  • Profile Fee

Fees will be charged for waste profile submissions. A Profile Submissions Fee up to $125 will be charged for each initial profile submission, and a Profile Renewal Fee up to $40 will be charged for each profile renewal.

  • Taxes

Some services provided by Republic Services (including equipment rental) may be subject to state, local and/or franchise taxes or fees. If applicable, such state, local and/or franchise taxes or fees will be separately itemized on your invoice, collected by the operating subsidiary providing your service and submitted to the appropriate taxing authority and/or franchise authority.


Written contracts
and franchise or municipal customers

If you have a signed contract with a Republic Services operating subsidiary, the types and amounts of rates, charges, and fees that apply to your service, and terms related to changes in those rates, charges, and fees are set forth in your contract. If you request or require an additional service that is not addressed in your contract, additional charges will apply. If you receive service from a Republic Services operating subsidiary pursuant to a franchise or other form of governmental or HOA agreement, your rates, charges, and fees (including increases) will comply with the applicable agreement.