Explore Our Services & Solutions
Treatment & Disposal Services
Our nationwide network of treatment, disposal and recycling facilities offers sustainable, safe and compliant solutions for all hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams including PFAS, PCBs, radioactive, inorganic, metals and industrial waste.
Field and Industrial Services
Our experts provide industry-leading support for even the most complex projects, including remediation, retail, lab pack, industrial cleaning and maintenance, vacuum services, transportation, tank and equipment rental, and disposal.
Emergency Response Services
Our reliable emergency response solutions for more than 30 years, Republic Services’ national response programs have fully integrated services and expert teams on-the-ready 24/7.
E&P Services
We provide compliant, turnkey waste treatment, disposal and industrial services to oil and gas exploration and production companies in the Eagle Ford, Eaglebine and Permian Basins in Texas, and throughout North Dakota and Wyoming.
Your Partner for Complex Environmental Needs
We offer safe, innovative, compliant solutions to protect the environment and keep communities clean across North America. No matter the disaster — from oil spills and train derailments to hurricanes and wild fires— we can help.
We offer a variety of resources to help our customers learn more about our comprehensive suite of Environmental Services and log in to their accounts to access an extensive list of waste and material profile forms, waste characterization reports, land disposal restrictions, amendments, supplements and renewals, certifications and audit information.
COR Customer Web Portal
Transform your business with our Environmental Solutions account management platform. Register for faster approvals, and access an extensive list of documents, forms and reports. COR provides customers superior service from any device for complete account management of all your waste to increase productivity and efficiency while meeting your sustainability goals.
Solutions for Industries
Republic Services uses innovative technologies and exceptional service to minimize waste volumes, reduce costs and achieve compliance for customers across multiple industries, all while protecting the environment. Learn more about our customized industry solutions.
Give Us a Call
Customer Service
- Current and prospective business customers can talk to a support specialist, 9-5pm ET
- Find out more about our solutions for all your regulated waste needs
Emergency Response
- Receive ER incident support from our 24/7 command center
- Hazardous waste incident containment and response
- Natural disaster response
- High-hazard (SRS) and Oil spill (NRC) response
Send Us an Email
Leading the Way in
Environmental Services
At Republic Services, we’re dedicated to creating a cleaner, safer, healthier world for all. Working with our customers, we provide solutions that make businesses more efficient while taking care of the planet – and protecting the bottom line.