California Organics Recycling SB 1383
The California Senate Bill 1383 is a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) by reducing organic waste disposal to 50% by 2020 and 75% by 2025. California residents' and business owners' participation is an essential component to meet these new requirements, and Republic Services can help you comply.
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Organics Recycling Resources
Organics, Food Waste and Yard Waste bin colors and sizes* may very by region.
SB 1383 Regulations & Resources
Organic waste in landfills emits 20% of the state’s methane, a climate super pollutant 84 times* more potent than carbon dioxide. By taking the simple act of placing organic waste into an organics recycling cart instead of a trash cart, California residents are helping divert organic waste from the landfill and reducing these harmful emissions. View our closed-loop organics diagram for details.
Visit CalRecycle for more SB 1383 information.
SB 1383 Regulations
- Capacity Planning
- Collection and Recycling
- Department Issued Waivers and Exemptions
- Enforcement
- Food Recovery
- Procurement Requirements: Using Recycled Organics Products
- Recordkeeping Requirements
Implementation Resources
- Education and Outreach Resources
- Food Donors
- Food Recovery Organizations
- Jurisdictions
- Local Education Agencies
- Local Enforcement Agencies
- Non-Local Entities
- Organics Recycling Facilities
- Transfer and Processing Facilities and Landfills
- Waste Haulers